IATJ 14th Assembly

Eiffel tower Paris France

Registration form - IATJ 14th Assembly

Agenda – IATJ 14th Assembly

Paris, France
September 13 and 14, 2024

Please reserve the date now.

Come join Us!

Our international membership welcomes you!
Who we are!
(PDF file 262kb)

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As defined by Article 2 of its by-laws, the IATJ is comprised of Courts, Tribunals or Administrative Bodies, Judges or retired Judges which or whom, irrespective of their official title (for instance Court, Tribunal, Justice, Judge, Adjudicator, Advocate-Generals, Tribunal Chair or Member, or the like) are or were nevertheless empowered to adjudicate, in disputes involving direct or indirect tax assessments.

Below is the list of current members:

Members List 2019

If you are interested in becoming a member of the IATJ, please submit the membership registration form below. This form may also be printed and sent by mail, e-mail or fax to:

c/o Phyllis Gauthier
Tax Court of Canada
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0M1
Phone: 613.992.2159
Fax: 613.996.5863

Membership registration and acceptance by the Board of Directors is complete upon confirmation of payment of the membership fee.

Payment Information:

By cheque/money order/Visa/Mastercard

Please print, fill out the form and send it together with your payment by cheque or money order to the order of the International Association of Tax Judges; please submit your Visa/Mastercard number, expiry date and three digit security code directly to Phyllis Gauthier.

Any questions regarding membership or the payment of membership fees should be directed to Ms. Phyllis Gauthier, Tax Court of Canada, 200 Kent Street, ON, Canada K1A 0M1 or at iatj.net@gmail.com

Membership in the IATJ is subject to Board approval. Those memberships which the Board feels it cannot approve will be submitted to the general assembly.

Last Modified Date: 2022-05-19
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